About Us

About Us

Inn Tech Global Valuers Private Limited is a IBBI Registered Entity for all three class of assets (Plant & Machinery, Land & Building, Securities or Financial Assets), Income Tax Registered Valuers, Chartered Engineers and Insurance Surveyors working on behalf of Banks, Financial Institutions, CA’s, CS’s and Corporates providing Valuation Services, Chartered Engineer Certifications for customs and central excise department and Insurance companies for claims.

We provide a consultancy services from engineering Consultancy services to Financial Advisory Services. Tangible Asset Valuation, TEV Studies, Lender’s Engineer Engagements, Due Diligence Services are covered under Engineering Consultancy. Market Feasibility, Intangible Asset Valuation, Business Valuation, Transaction Advisory Services are part of Financial Advisory Services.

We have a team of 30 qualified Engineers from various branches, with a handful of experience in handling asset valuations and chartered engineer certifications.

High-tech industries play an important role in the modern economy, and often experience significantly higher pay than other industries. And Digital solutions have transformed the world’s for web applications.

26 Years of

Consultancy Services Experience

Strenghts of IGVPL

Our strength, we deliver the reports on time, As per IBC and IVSC standards. All our reports are in full compliance with IVSC, RICS Red-book or other regulatory or administrative requirements.

We have the ability to support any valuation required to be carried for a variety of applications and purposes.

We are providing pan India services, having well equipped office premises at 14 different states in India and are capable of undertaking valuations all over India with our team of engineers.

Empanelment with Bank and NBFC’s

We are empanelled with SBI, PNB, Canara Bank, Indian Bank, BOI, UBI, IDBI Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank and NBFC’s catering our services throughout the country.

UI/UX Design
App Development
Business Growth
Technology Solution

100 +

IBBI Cases

100 +

Happy Clients

10 +

Team Members

20 +

Services Provided

Industries We Cover

We have handled major projects/industries in the segments of Pharma, Cement, Steel, Sugar, Process, Petroleum, Power Projects, Infra & Mega Projects under IBC and for Banks, Financial Institutions & insurance companies.


Valuation Services

High-tech industries play an important role in the modern economy, and often experience significantly higher pay than other industries. And Digital solutions have transformed the world’s for web applications.

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